An Immersive Cigar Experience on Wheels
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Welcome to Robusto Mobile Cigar Lounge, the ultimate destination for cigar enthusiasts. Our luxurious and comfortable, climate-controlled trailer is the perfect place to indulge in premium cigars, whether you're an expert or a beginner. Founded by the husband and wife team of Mike and Monica, our hobby turned passion turned business is committed to providing a refined and classy experience for all our customers.
Robusto Mobile Cigar Lounge is not just a business, it is a passion project that was born from a conversation over dinner. In less than 6 weeks, we were able to renovate a trailer into a mobile cigar lounge with a full-stocked humidor, and line up events for our customers to enjoy. Our mission is to provide an exceptional cigar experience for everyone, regardless of where they are. We love what we do and we strive to create memorable moments for all our customers.